Still on the other side
Well it is Sunday nite and I am still in the hospital. I’ve been here since I had to return Wednesday nite with more intense headaches that wee positional, intermittent and not really controlled with Advil.
The docs still think I have viral meningitis
- CSF readings (6.27.2007/7.6.2007):
- RBC's = 4 / 4 – Red Blood Cells are normal and consistent
- WBC's = 534 / 265 – means with a strong immune system, less WBCs (White Blood Cells) are found, which should mean less WBCs are needed so I am successfully fighting the infection
- PMN = 2% / 0%
- Mononuclear = 98% / 100% - type of WBCs that are fighting the infection
- Protein = 154 / 169 (15-45 normal) – they’re not sure about this
- Glucose = 33 / 18 (40 - 50 normal) – troubling that glucose is lower, not sure what to make of this
- PH = ?? / 8.0
No organisms, CSF was clear (both samples)
I am actually feeling better this evening, the last few hours have been pretty good. I hadn’t been on any pain meds for about 5 hours, was just fight through it, and I just went on Toradol which seems to be a better solution than the narcotics as it dosn’t seem to cause that whacked out feeling.
Late Saturday nite I noticed my right calf was a bit sore, I mentioned it to one of the nurses and they ordered a ultrasound earlier this morning. Well it came back that I had a clot.. jeez. The clot is not ‘official’ as the report hasn’t come back yet however the technician noted the clot and they have me on heparin. I've never been on thinners and of course never had a clot. To be honest I really didn't (don't) think I have one because it really didn't bother me that much. Part of me wishes I never mentioned it ;-)
I’m still not sure when I’ll be out, the Infections Disease doc that visited me yesterday and today indicated we should get the results of Friday’s Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap), and the many blood tests, Monday. I’ll know much more then.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, keep them coming!
We're here for you, Charles!!!
Jeremy Gregg, at 2:58 PM
Charles, I was surprised to learn of your illness. We hope and pray for your speedy recovery. It appears that your academic year is off to a "bumpy" start. We have the faith that things will get better and that you will be strengthened by these brief trials.
Blessings, Pastor Preston
Anonymous, at 3:16 PM
Charles, whoa! I just found out about your situation. You are in my prayers, brother. I love you, brother.
Larry James, at 3:20 PM
Just now hearing about this! You certainly have my prayers. We've got to get you up and about to take care of the rest of us!
Keep us posted, we'll keep praying.
Anonymous, at 4:49 PM
Charles, you let me know what I can do. I'll keep praying for you!
Terri Simmons
Anonymous, at 10:48 PM
Charles you are in my prayers...
You'll be fine and we'll be back to or old ways soon. Hang in there brother. Call if you need anything.
Anonymous, at 11:21 AM
I am so sorry you are ill! You are, as always, in our hearts, prayers, and thoughts. We love you and miss you! Keep us posted.
Anonymous, at 3:45 PM
Wow. I can't believe you're still down. I hope things are looking up by now.
Janet Morrison-Lane, at 10:04 AM
Thanks for all of your well wishes! I do appreciate it and it helps tremendously!
JG - cute pic!
Preston - thanks for the prayers. Tell the folks down at the CDC 'hey' for me. They're doing PACE at WRCC Monday nite I think
LJ - thanks for the call and the note, I'll be back to full strength soon. Takes more than some pesky virus to take me out, you know that!
GB - Thanks for the well-wishes
Terri - Thanks! we'll be in touch
Geee - Thanks man and great talking to you, we'll get up!
Linda - You always know what to say. Stay sweeeeeet ;-)
Janet - Thanks! Down but by no means 'tapped out'
Charles Senteio, at 11:19 PM
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